Publicaciones del Proyecto

Reindel, M., Zipf, A., von Schwerin, J., Auer, M., Loos, L., Fecher, F., Lyons, M., Stelson, L., Billen, N. (2016):   Abschlussbericht des BMBF E-Humanities Verbundprojektes „MayaArch3D: Ein webbasiertes 3D-GIS zur Analyse der Archäologie von Copan, Honduras

von Schwerin J., Richards-Rissetto H, Remondino F., Grazia Spera, M., Auer M., Billen, N., Loos, L., Stelson, L., Reindel, M. (2016):   Airborne LiDAR Acquisition, Post-Processing and Accuracy-Checking for a 3D WebGIS of Copan, Honduras, Journal of Archaeological Research: Reports. Volume 5, February 2016, p. 85-104. DOI:10.1016/j.jasrep.2015.11.005

Auer, M., Richards-Rissetto, H., von Schwerin, J., Billen, N., Loos, L., Zipf, A. (2015): MayaArch3D: Web based 3D Visibility Analyses in Ancient Cityscapes – the role of visible structures at the Maya Site of Copán, Honduras [Abstract]. In: 43rd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Annual Conference Book of Abstracts (CAA 2015). Siena, Italy.

von Schwerin, J., Auer, M., Billen, N., Loos, L., Richards-Rissetto, H., Reindel, M., Zipf, A., Remondino, F., Fernández-Palacios, B.J. (2015): A 4DWebGIS for the Documentation and Analysis of Complex Archaeological Sites [Abstract]. In: 43rd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Annual Conference Book of Abstracts (CAA 2015). Siena, Italy.
Poster: von Schwerin, J., Reindel M., Auer M., Billen N., Loos L., Zipf A., Ein webbasiertes 3D-GIS zur Analyse der Archäologie von Copan, Honduras. Poster at: Digital Humanities Summit 2015, TextGrid–, Berlin, 3-4.03.2015

Auer, M., Agugiaro, G., Billen, N., Loos, L. & Zipf, A. (2014): Web-based Visualization and Query of semantically segmented multiresolution 3D Models in the Field of Cultural Heritage. In: ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, II-5, doi:10.5194/isprsannals-II-5-33-2014, pp. 33-39.

Reindel, M., Isla, J., Otten, H., Gorbahn, H., von Schwerin, J. (2014): Archäologische Forschungen in Peru und Honduras im Jahr 2013. In: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen 6 (2014): 289–308.

Reindel, M., Isla, J., Otten, H., Gorbahn, H., von Schwerin, J. (2013): Archäologische Forschungen in Peru und Honduras. In: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Außereuropäischer Kulturen 5 (2013): 297–313.

Loos, L., Auer, M., Billen, N. & Zipf, A. (2013): MayaArch3D – a 3D webgis for archaeological research. In: Proceedings of Digital Geoarchaeology 2013. Heidelberg, Germany, p. 16.

Billen, N., Auer, M., Loos, L., Agugiaro, G., & Zipf, A. (2013): MayaArch3D: An integrative analytical platform for 3D archaeological data, The 4th Conference on Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage (SCCH’13), Heidelberg, Germany.

Von Schwerin, J., Richards-Rissetto, H., Remondino, F., Agugiaro, G., Girardi, G.: The MayaArch3D project: A 3D WebGIS for analyzing ancient architecture and landscapes. In: Literary and Linguistic Computing 28 (4), Special Issue ‘Digital Humanities 2012: Digital Diversity: Cultures, Languages and Methods: 736-753.

Billen,N., Loos, L., Auer, M., Zipf, A., Richards-Rissetto, H., Reindel, M. & von Schwerin, J.: Development of a 4D-webgis for archaeological research, Workshop on integrating 4D, GIS and cultural heritage, 16th AGILE 2013, Leuven.

Poster: Auer, M., Loos, L., Billen, N., Zipf, A., von Schwerin, J., Reindel, M. & Richards-Risetto, H.: MayaArch3D – A web based 3D geoinformation system to analyse the archaeology of Copán, Honduras.- Poster at BMBF Kick-Off Workshop of the eHumanities joint projects 8.-9. April 2013 Leipzig

Agugiaro G., Remondino F., Girardi G., von Schwerin J., Richards-Rissetto H.,De Amicis R.:QueryArch3D: Querying and visualising three-dimensional archaeological models in a web-based interface. In: Geoinformatics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University, ISSN 1802-2669.

Agugiaro G., Remondino F., Girardi G., von Schwerin J., Richards-Rissetto H., De Amicis R. : A Web-based Interactive Tool for Multi-Resolution 3D models of a Maya Archaeological Site. In: Proceedings of the 4th ISPRS International Workshop 3D-ARCH 2011: “3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures” Trento, Italy, 2-4 March 2011. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVIII-5/W16 (on CD-ROM).

Richards-Rissetto H., von Schwerin J.: Visualizing Copan: 3D Perspectives from an Ancient City. Paper presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento California, 4/11.

von Schwerin J., Richards-Rissetto H., Remondino F., Agugiaro G., Forte M., Maqueda R.: The MayaArch3D Project; Digital Technologies for Research in Maya Archaeology. Final Performance Report and White Paper for NEH Digital Humanities Level II Start- Up Grant.

von Schwerin J., Richards-Rissetto H., Remondino F., Agugiaro G. (2011): 3D Patrimonio Cultural en Copán, Honduras. Paper presented at the VIII Congreso Centroamericano de Antropología, Los Retos de la Antropología en Centroamérica: Identidades, Diversidad Cultural y Procesos Políticos, Feb. 24, 2011, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

von Schwerin J.: 3D Temples and Virtual Landscapes: The MayaArch3D Project in Copan, Honduras. In “The Ancient Maya in the 21st Century – Advances in Analysis and Presenting the Past.” 29th Annual Maya Weekend at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. April 15-17, 2011.

Remondino F., Gruen A., von Schwerin J., Eisenbeiss H., Rizzi A., Girardi S., Sauerbier M., Richards H.: Multi-Sensor 3D Documentation of the Maya Site of Copan. XXII CIPA Symposium, 11-15 October 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

von Schwerin J., Richards-Rissetto H., Remondino F., Sauerbier M., Eisenbeiss H., Forte M., Gruen A.: Digital Documentation and Reconstruction of an Ancient Maya Temple and Prototype of Internet GIS Database of Maya Architecture. Final Report to the NEH on the Digital Humanities Level I Start-Up Grant.